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We welcome your comments and encourage you to share any insights you have or any revelations from God about sound, light, energy, vibrations, and quantum physics. We also would be interested in hearing about any invention God may have shown you  and any products you have developed having to do with the topics covered in the book.

However, there are a few guidelines to sharing.

First, no profanity or offensive language. Offensive comments will not be published.

Second, this is not the place to vent your grievances about particular contributors to the book nor is it a place to try to point out doctrinal error. Any comments along those lines will not be published. This site is not intended as a forum for doctrinal discussions but merely as an introduction to the book The Physics of Heaven and a place where Christians who have had similar insights or experiences to those mentioned in the book can share them.

Third, anything you share on this site will be considered copyrighted by this site and may be freely used in blog posts or other writings of the author of this site. So if you want to keep to yourself an insight, revelation, encounter with God, or invention God has shown you, please do not share it in a comment.

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